Learning Challenge | H.E.A.R.T. - 9 Tips for Success

(Success. Web Source: pexels). 

We all want fast, easy tips on how to complete things. So when I saw the article The 9 Principles That People Who Feel Successful Say They Live By, I was excited to find a bulleted list of nine things that can lead to success.

When starting the article, however, I wondered what it truly meant by success. Success is such a abstract, situational term, that I was curious how this article could cater everyone's need. Disclaimer: it can't. With that, take this advice with a grain of salt because below are my personal interpretations of the nine tips for success.

1. Create Often
For me, creating means artistically. Whether it being writing these blog posts or choreographing a dance to a song, it means something different every day. I will say, on days where I create, I feel more fulfilled. So number 1 is accurate. Onto number 2...

2. Understand the Self
This is something a lot of people don't enjoy doing. AND I DON'T BLAME THEM! Spending time with yourself can be uncomfortable and you may not like everything you find. However, when you spend time discovering yourself, you are helping shape what books you need to read next, what people you want to invest your time in, and what steps you need to take to improve. 

3. Have Fun
Sounds easy, right? This is one I need to remember as my final semester of undergraduate college comes to a close. No one ever looks back and remembers the times they cancelled dinner plans or studied the extra hour. Have fun because some days, fun won't be an option and you'll wish it were. 

4. Suspend Judgements
Easier said than done. In our world today, judgment surrounds everything we do. In order to obtain success, you can't hold yourself back with the thoughts of others. Your way of doing something may not be the same as others, so you need to remember that everyone is different and focusing on these judgments will drain your energy. 

5. Seek Challenges
No one ever succeeded by doing the same things over and over again. Therefore, challenge yourself so you can allow periods of growth, failure, and surprise. Push yourself to your limits because you may realize you can do far more than you expected. 

6. Pursue Meaning
For me, this means pursuing my faith. Without a purpose, we lack a zealous drive to do the things we have always dreamed. My drive of faith also maintains my mental and spiritual well-being. Without those things, I can never imagine success. 

7. Make Change Work For You
Change. It is inevitable. This is important to remember because its something we usually choose to forget. With change you have a choice to either embrace it or fight it. I have always found that the fight is never worth it because the change will happen whether you agree or not. Why waste your time in opposition?

8. Develop Resilience
This is the ability to face adversity and overcome challenges. Adversity and challenges are two things that one can never fully avoid. It is important to learn how to deal with these things. It is also important to learn what you need in order to keep moving forward when faced with difficulties. 

9. Constantly Improve
In my opinion, this final tip is the result of following the first eight. I think that when you strive to do the things listed, you can only improve. You may not improve in the ways that you had expected, but life has a beautiful way of leading you in the path you need the most. 


  1. Wow, Camryn, reading your post makes me SO GLAD that article is on the list of articles for people to explore because, basically, that list of items is really how I hope these classes will work! In fact, now I am thinking I might write up a blog post at the Canvas Community (that is where I do my own educational blogging thse days) to share this article with all the teachers there... because it seems to me that the more classes can be like this list, the more we can feel like we are succeeding, both as teachers and as learners!


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