Reading Notes Week 11: Jataka Tales B
Characters: Beauty, Brownie, father, mother, young herd, old herd
Plot: Beauty and Brownie's father warned them that during corn ripening season there would not be enough food for everyone. He explained that him and his mother would stay behind with the elders of the herd, but Beauty and Brownie must each take a herd out on their own to seek more food. He urged them both to only travel at night and to never go near a village or else the hunters would kill them. Beauty followed these instructions and only traveled at night far from the villages. Brownie, on the other hand, forgot what his father said and started to travel in the early morning through the day and often near the villages. Brownie lost a large amount of his herd.
Bibliography: Beauty and the Brownie by Ellen C. Babbitt
Plot: Beauty and Brownie's father warned them that during corn ripening season there would not be enough food for everyone. He explained that him and his mother would stay behind with the elders of the herd, but Beauty and Brownie must each take a herd out on their own to seek more food. He urged them both to only travel at night and to never go near a village or else the hunters would kill them. Beauty followed these instructions and only traveled at night far from the villages. Brownie, on the other hand, forgot what his father said and started to travel in the early morning through the day and often near the villages. Brownie lost a large amount of his herd.
(Beauty's safe herd of deer. Web Source: Public Domain Files).
Bibliography: Beauty and the Brownie by Ellen C. Babbitt
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